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1st Grade Math Prep
Introduction to 1st Grade Prep (1:37)
How the Course Works (2:28)
Counting On
Introduction to Counting On (3:15)
Counting on worksheet (7:06)
*Brain Break*-Counting to 100 (6:46)
Counting on to Add (7:32)
Counting On Addition (7:40)
Introduction to Measuring (5:22)
Measuring Long to Longest (3:02)
Long, Longer, Longest (3:06)
Measuring Snakes (4:10)
Measuring Items (3:48)
Intro to Partners
Introduction to Partners (5:27)
Intro Partners Worksheet (4:54)
Partners for #3 Worksheet (8:13)
*Brain Break*-Coloring Shapes (10:07)
Partners for #4 Worksheet (9:07)
Telling Time
Introduction to Telling Time (5:05)
What's the Time? (5:12)
Writing Time (4:49)
*Brain Break*-Dolphin Connect the Dots (2:20)
Drawing the Time (5:44)
Time Review (5:58)
Let's Review (6:03)
Sets of Partners
Partners of the Number 5 (3:31)
Partners of #5 (6:37)
Partners of 5 Worksheet (13:31)
*Brain Break*-Octopus Connect the Dots (3:14)
Partners of the Number 6 (4:00)
Partners of #6 (8:20)
Partners of 6 Worksheet (3:55)
Counting Pennies (2:53)
Counting Nickels (11:44)
Counting Dimes (5:45)
Finding Pennies (7:51)
*Brain Break*-Color by Number (16:03)
Quarter Match (3:11)
Match the Value (4:11)
Partners Continued
Partners of the Number 7 (4:21)
Partners of 7 Worksheet (3:43)
Partners of the Number 8 (5:24)
Turtle Connect the Dots (3:28)
Partner of 8 Worksheet (3:48)
Partners of the Number 9 (5:53)
Partners of 9 Worksheet (4:52)
Counting on worksheet
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